
Online consultation with a plastic surgeon: questions and answers

our employees



Question answer


Our specialists will answer any question you may have about the service.

Despite the abundance of specialized plastic surgery clinics, as well as specialists with many years of experience, future patients are sometimes ready to search for their doctor for years. For this purpose, they browse forums, read articles, watch interviews and ratings, and follow clinic accounts on social networks.

Now you can get an online consultation with a plastic surgeon and save effort, time and finances. In any case, a personal meeting with him will take place before the operation, when it will be possible to discuss all the issues again.

From our own experience, we can say that a significant part of patients are residents of other regions. There are also many who come from abroad. Reasons: difference in cost, unique services, promotions, or all of this together. But there is something in common: without faith in the doctor’s professionalism, no one will be tempted by even the most attractive promotion.

The newfacegeorgia provides 3 types of consulting services:

We will analyze all the available options, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of a remote consultation with a plastic surgeon – online.


Contacting via the Internet allows you to get a qualified answer without a personal visit to the surgeon’s office. Many fear that without direct contact and careful examination it is impossible to determine the scope of future intervention and take into account the associated nuances. The worries are justified – the specifics require more than just looking at photos/videos and asking a few questions.

Features of online consultation with a plastic surgeon via Skype or photo:

An additional examination is always necessary when visiting the clinic. The details of the upcoming operation are being finalized. Experience shows that correctly taken photographs and an accompanying description of the problem and the desired result are sufficient in most cases. Only occasionally does the doctor make adjustments after meeting the future patient in person.

If you send a photo, be sure to specify what exactly you want to change. Otherwise, the doctor can make a calculation for a much larger intervention area (for example, hips and lower legs, although you are only interested in correction of the lower legs).

Sent photos and video materials are processed immediately after receipt. According to the regulations, 14 days are given for a response. If the initial quality of the image does not suit the doctor, he has the right to request new data. Then the total processing time may increase.

If you have signed up for a consultation via Skype, make sure that no one will disturb you during the call, and that the quality of your Internet connection provides a stable signal. It is important for us that you hear everything the surgeon says, and he can hear the answers.

The consultation itself does not oblige you to perform the operation in our clinic. However, we hope that the information received will help you make your choice and realize your dream of a beautiful and harmonious body.

Types of consultations

Personal . Available by appointment. You visit the clinic at the appointed time, the surgeon examines you, asks clarifying questions and answers yours. It is important to be extremely frank and not to be shy, because the doctor’s goal is to help, and in the most effective way.

By Skype . Also available by appointment. Please note that not all specialists provide this service.

According to the photo . It is necessary to fill out an application, in which you should indicate contact information, attach a photo (or preferably several, from different angles and in good quality). The answer will be sent to the email specified in the form on the website.

If you are not sure which variety is suitable in your case, please contact the clinic at 8 (681) 187-47-77 or email We will provide additional information.

Questions and answers

Information that will be of interest to future patients:

Q: Why is the service paid?

A: It is provided by specialists with relevant practical experience. All consulting doctors are active surgeons who value their time.

Q: Is there any way I can get information for free?

A: As part of our promotions, we provide it for free or at a big discount.

Q: How many pictures do I need to attach?

A: The maximum quantity is not limited. If you think you need to take a photo from other angles, do it. For some operations, one is enough, others may require 5. An additional video will help to better understand the situation. Details are on the photo consultation page.

Q: Will it be possible to reschedule the consultation to another day or time?

Oh yeah. If the corresponding hours are already occupied, administrators will contact you and agree on another convenient time.

Q: How to pay?

A: Fill out the form on the page (links at the beginning of the material). Then the bank’s website will open, through which payments are made via a secure connection.

Newfacegeorgia Clinic
Kutaisi, Georgia

Phone: +7 (921) 187-87-37

We work daily from 09:00 to 21:0